A couple weekends ago, some volunteers at the Seventh Day adventist school in Ebeye invited my roommate Morgan and I to join them to go to Pikej, an island that is two past Gugeegue, and can only be arrived at by boat (they had arranged a boat ride). I was certainly glad we joined them! The island was the quintissential paradise, and everything I had been missing. White sand beaches, palm trees, turquoise waters. It looked like one of the "relax"posters or a screensaver. Only one family lives on the island, and while we were there, three of us managed to walk a ways down the beach where we happened upon that family, who invited us to join them to have some coconut milk (a taste I have still not become accustomed to). After a short visit, we walked back through the island paths back to the beach. We spent the day snorkeling (I later found out this island is even more prominent for sharks than others, so I am very thankful I didn't see any) and running into some "yachties" as they are called (people sailing through the Marshall Islands) and a few people from the base who were on Pikej for the day as well. The guys managed to catch quite a few good sized fish that we cooked right up, and we returned to Gugeegue ready to start the week.
Pictures for all my blogs to come later.... when I have fast internet which may be never

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